Christopher Perry lives in Central New York with his wife and four children near Chittenango where he was born and raised. Throughout his life, Christopher Perry has been inspired by the classic works of another native son of Chittenango, L. Frank Baum, the author of The Wizard of Oz . The theme of traveling a road, joined by those who encourage and care for you as you persist toward your dreams has always resonated deeply with Chris. Over the years since he graduated from Marquette University and then while working in the paper manufacturing industry, he has lived out his creative passion through drawing, writing, and music composition. Chris Perry has penned over twenty stories, each with an accompanying song for children and adults. He hopes one day to see his stories published and made nationally available. The printing of The Voice of the Climbing Rose: A Tribute To Caregivers his first published book and gift for his mother-in-law provided him with the chance to start the realization of those hopes and dreams. His second keepsake gift book, The Teaching Well: A Tribute to Mothers has been reviewed with high regard by the public already and will be available for distribution nationally the beginning of 2008. Christopher Perry is grateful for his family and the many people who have and continue to encourage him along his journey. He knows he has a long way to go and appreciates the opportunities to present himself, his dreams, and his art. The blue bird illustrated in most of his books and other works is a symbol of his personal inspiration to believe, to never give up on yourself and to care passionately for others while following the call of your heart.