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Steve Pronger

I would like to thank all men and their brains for making these books possible. Without them, their Egos and their desire to think and predict these books would not be necessary. I believe the only thing wrong in the world is the male brain. Get more information about my books and how I can help the male brains around you at

Steve Pronger is a certified high-performance coach that has coached competitive hockey at the amateur, University and professional levels. Steve is the founder of COACH Him Clinics and works with men to help them deal with the only real issue in their lives...their brain.
Steve currently serves as a coaches clinic facilitator for the Minor Alliance Hockey of Ontario and is a featured columnist at The Coaches Read his articles from 'The Coaches Brain' at Steve is also a sports commentator/host for
Steve is the everyday forgotten man's champion of the brain. You can 'Like' what he is writing on Facebook at www.facebook.